Die Appstore Zwerge planen den Aufstand


Sehr guter Artikel über die derzeitige Ratlosigkeit unter iPhone App Programmierern:
iPhone App Store roulette: A tale of rejection

Zitat: „I have no idea what Steve Jobs was thinking back in 1995, but I do remember what he was still thinking in 1984 when he hired Chiat/Day to create a wonderful commercial that defined the personal computer revolution. Who can forget the audience of reverent drones and the big screen on the stage? It used to be funny to note the similarity between the crowds in the old commercial and the audiences at Macworld Expo, sitting at the front of their seats in rapt attention and waiting for the big head on the screen to tell them what to think. The humor is slowly fading, though, and I can’t help but feel that Apple’s iPhone division has become everything the old company mocked in 1984.“

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